Dizziness, Vertigo & BPPV

Dizziness, Vertigo & BPPV Laura Hotten May 24, 2022
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These three conditions can trigger extremely upsetting episodes. They can also frustrate and debilitate sufferers who never know when the episode of disorientation will begin or end or if they will ever return to normal. Upper cervical chiropractic care can help by reducing any misalignments in the craniocervical junction (CCJ) and help restore normal blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow to and from the brain. This correction helps promote neurological balance and function.


Do you suffer from recurring episodes of dizziness that can become severe? They may give you a sensation of spinning or moving, and trigger nausea and vomiting. You may find that your symptoms worsen whenever you move. These are classic symptoms of dizziness, vertigo and BPPV. Sometimes headaches and neck pain accompany these attacks.

In addition, some people may also experience a ringing or roaring sound in the ear (tinnitus), a feeling of pressure or pain in the ear, temporary hearing loss, and dropping to the ground while still conscious (drop attacks).


Your brain relies upon input from your body (primarily your upper neck), your vestibular system in your inner ear and your eyes to maintain an upright posture and a sense of balance. Your nervous system controls and coordinates relaying this information to your brain. Spinal misalignments in the upper neck can interfere with the normal flow of blood and CSF to and from your brain. Thanks to cutting-edge digital x-rays and weight-bearing MRI imaging, we can now confirm if this is an issue for a patient. Another cause for dizziness/vertigo is BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). BPPV is triggered by certain changes in head position, rolling over in bed, getting out of bed or lifting the head to look up. This causes small particles to dislodge and float into the canals within the inner ear.

Another cause for dizziness/vertigo is BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). BPPV is triggered by certain changes in head position, rolling over in bed, getting out of bed or lifting the head to look up. This causes small particles to dislodge and float into the canals within the inner ear.


Post-treatment Cone Beam CT Imaging and MRI studies have clearly shown that specific corrections of spinal misalignments in the upper neck can help the body reduce stress and irritation of the brainstem, spinal cord, and associated nerves. The result is improved blood and CSF flow, key factors for proper balance and a sense of body position. This restored flow offers insight into why some patients with balance problems, dizziness and vertigo experience dramatic improvement or symptom resolution following upper cervical care. In the case of BPPV, the crystals need to be repositioned back to their proper place within the inner ear.

Thrive Head & Spinal Care offers this precise and gentle care. It involves no twisting, cracking, or popping of the neck. Instead, we apply math, physics, and engineering principles to determine the correction you need to restore your normal position and function. We use pre- and post-correction testing to ensure that your nervous system function has improved and your body has the best opportunity to heal.

Don’t let this disorienting and unsettling condition diminish your quality of life. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of upper cervical care in San Antonio, TX. Dr. Dutson sees every patient as a person, not as a condition. He has a vision to do healthcare differently… to put the ‘care’ back in healthcare.  He wants to help you enjoy your life to the fullest and THRIVE. Schedule your appointment today.

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